Drone Skins: What Are They?

Drone Skins: What Are They?

In present era, drones are considered as personal eyes of people in the sky. There are multiple purposes for which drones are used like video filming, security purposes, photography etc. A variety of drones from professional complicated ones to smaller toy drones are used these days.

What are drone skins?

The drones are mainly single colored, some are black , some are white, some are grey and so on. Skins are the kind of stickers or covers that adhere firmly to the drone surface and gives them a different look. People use these drone skins to give their drones a different look which reflect their choice and personality

Types of drone skins:

People choose the skin according to their favorite like and dislike but there are mainly two types of drones and the skins used for them.

Skins for professional drones:

The professional drones which are used for the photography or security purposes by the professionals are mainly covered with skins that match the prpfession or function if the drone. Tge drones that are used for the security purposes are covered with skin of flags of the country or dull colored skins that are hard to spot.

The militant drones have skins of the military camouflage. These days the military camouflage skin has become the trend. Similarly, the drones used for photography or videography of any function are concealed with the skins of bright colors, that reflect the euphoric occasions.

  Skins for playing drones(kid drones):

These days the concept of drone as a toy is being developed in kids s companies are making good money by making these kids drones which merely fly upto few meters. The kids love the pictures of their super heroes glued on their drone toys. So mostly the boy kids have super man or spider man kind of skins for their drones while girls have barbie skins as their favorite.

Customized Drone skins:

People who are obsessed with any peculiar designs if their own, go for the customized drone skins. They design it themselves, put colors in it and finalize it for the skin.

Properties of Good Drone Skins:

• Easy to apply: People prefer the skin that are easy to apply, which the just pick and paste it on their drones.

• Unaffected range: The best skins donot effect the range of the drones. This is the most prioritized property a drone skin has.

• No Sticky residue: The drone skins of good quality donot leave the sticky residue as left by the stickers or low quality skins.

• High visibilty: The colors of the skin must be clearly visible and the patterns should be traced so that it looks prominent even from the distance.

• Water resistant: The material of the skins matters alot. It should not be water absorbing and avoid damage to drone in rain. Most people use it for this protective function.

• Permanent colors: The colors of quality skins are permanent and donot fade on sun exposure. Their life span is long.

Make your drone as beautiful as your eyes!